Children are a blessing….

You know that season of life-when you have little ones with endless energy and a will of steel, or when you’re considering whether or not to have more children, or in any particularly difficult season of parenting-

Sometimes you have to remind yourself of that beautiful truth:

Children are a blessing.

Children ARE a blessing.

And indeed! They are! They themselves remind us and reward us with ear to ear smiles, sloppy kisses, and hugs so tight you have to catch your breath.

I know I have a long way to go in the parenting journey. My kids are still *young* by most accounts.  There is something so special about having a teenager and a toddler at the same time☺. It’s not for the faint of heart😂. But, there is such joy, and such perspective in having one foot in each of these seasons.

But one of the fun things about this season with Emma, is that she is one of the sweetest blessings in my life.  I can say so honestly, and with all my heart, that she is such a blessing.

Someone found out that I was traveling alone with Elijah this time to New York, and offered to pay for a ticket for Emma.😭🙌🏻

I hardly have the words to say what a gift this is. But my sweet girl, knowing that it would be hard work on her behalf with very little sleep, and that she would miss dance (which is a big sacrifice for her!)….knowing all these things, she chose to accompany me.

So today, I am swimming in the blessing of my children-all of them! Their willingness to work as a team so that we can take care of Elijah. And I’m especially thankful for the courage poured into my heart by having one of my dearest friends (yes, I know, I’m her mom before I’m her friend….) with me for the journey.

Children are a blessing! My oldest and my youngest.💕💕💕💕

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